Use it as a chance to hand out an exclusive discount or gift card to spend at the larger store or online, giving consumers a reason to return after the pop-up closes. 同时你也可以利用这个机会向顾客提供下次到本店顾物的特别折扣或者礼品卡,给顾客一个快闪店关闭之后继续到你店里消费的理由。
Not to mention any specific company names& everyone knows who they are, anyway but the big national discount store companies have flourished during this recession, notes Justin Hirsch. 不必提具体公司的名称,反正大家都知道。在此轮衰退期间,大型连锁折扣店的生意非常火爆。
Only in the company of teenagers could you move so quickly from Ground Zero to a discount store. 只有跟孩子们一起,你才能如此迅速的从GroundZero跑到一家打折商店。
But local protestors say the discount store will spoil the site, kill small enterprise and change the way of life in the area. 但是当地的抗议者们则认为沃尔玛折扣店会对遗址造成破坏,挤垮小型商店,改变这一地区人们的生活方式。
Sorry, there's no discount in our store. 对不起,我们店不打折。
Sabrina Johnson used to be assistant manager at a discount retail store before leaving to take care of her mother. 萨布里娜约翰逊(sabrinajohnson)为照顾母亲而辞职之前,是一家折扣零售店的经理助理。
An animal who is purchased at a pet or discount store will be replaced by another one from these rabbit mills, leaving one less home for a bunny already in an animal shelter awaiting adoption. 一只兔子被人从宠物店买走后,就会有另一只从兔子工厂补充过来,领养在动物收容所里的无家可归的兔子是最好的方法。
There is ten percent discount on everything in the store. 商店里的任何商品都有10%的折扣。
Up the road, women fished into a wire basket outside Zeeman Textiel, a discount store, inspecting T-shirts for99 ( euro) cents. 街道不远处,有一家齐曼纺织品(ZeemanTextiel)折扣店,店门外,妇女们在网格篮里翻找,仔细打量着0.99欧元一件的T恤衫。
Its patron, Alice Walton, is the scion of the Ozarks'first family: her father, Sam Walton, opened a discount store called Wal-Mart in nearby Rogers, Arkansas, in1962. 它的赞助商,爱丽丝。沃尔顿,是欧扎克第一家族的后裔,她的父亲,山姆。沃尔顿于1962年在阿肯色州的罗格斯附近开了一间折扣商店,起名沃尔玛。
You have to pay with hard cash at the discount store; they won't accept credit cards or cheques there. 在折扣商店你付现金,那里不接受信用卡和支票。
In the developed countries, the discount store has become one of the most important retail formats. 以大量数据说明:在发达国家,折扣店已成为最重要的零售业态之一。
A friend of mine, whose parents own a piano store, said that he could get me a discount on a keyboard from the store next to his parents '. 我有一个朋友的父母是开钢琴店的,说可以用折扣价在他们隔壁店买键盘。
Development of world retailing went through many processes. Retailing formats experienced the changes form initial department store, chain store, discount store, convenience store, etc. to shopping mall. This change is complying with changes of consumer demand. 世界零售业的发展经历了很多过程,零售业态的变革经历了从最初的百货商店,连锁店,折扣店,便利店等到购物商场,这种变化是和消费者需求的变化相一致的。